
Fractional Order Modeling of 1,2,3 DOF Robot Dynamic

Israel Cerón-Morales


The fractional order modeling method of robot dynamics with one, two and three degrees of freedom is introduced. The stability of the fractional order model is proved by using the second-order Lyapunov method. A basic physical parameter is considered, that is, the inertial mass of the connecting rod. Freecad software is used for mechanical design. The dynamic models of 2-DOF and 3-DOF robots are established, and their motion trajectories are given in plane (x, y) and space (x, y, z) respectively. The model is programmed on the development card based on microcontroller. The advantage of the development card lies in its peripheral output, because it has two analog output channels, which are sent to the oscilloscope. The results are consistent with the proposed model.


Machine Translation; Deep Learning; Neural Machine Translation; Urdu Language; Chinese Language

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